Io is the second major release by the University of Michigan’s Wolverine Soft Student Studio. Play as Io, a young girl venturing into the depths of an ancient abyss to uncover the secrets of a long forgotten civilization. Through platforming and fighting you will explore the Crystal Caves and the Oran Windmill Fort. This was an extremely rewarding game to develop and I hope you enjoy playing it.
Development Information
Created with Unity
35 developers
3 1/2 month development cycle (1/08/2020 - 4/20/2020)
Four partitioned member divisions (Programming, Design, Audio, Art)
Utilized a POD structure to partition project responsibilities
Project Role
Technical Designer for character controller and level design
Leader of Player and Level Design PODs
Assisted in general scripting, bug fixing, and system implementation
Testing, balancing, and iterating on design decisions
Creating, testing, and iterating levels
Writing and reviewing technical design documents for systems and mechanics
Monitoring play-testing sessions and broadcasting my notes to the team
Reviewing the scope and necessary work for player development and level design
Scheduling development timelines to ensure creative vision is met
Extended Research and Related Projects
What tricks are used to create platformers with solid game feel? This project focused on learning those tricks and how to build a polished platforming controller.
Tone Matrix Platformer
A small prototype project making use of an earlier version of Io’s character controller.